Sara Ouhaddou — Exhibit booklet

Publisher: Fondation Thalie
Texts: Ludovic Delalande, Nathalie Guiot et Sara Ouhaddou

Published at 500 copies
Format: 21 x 15 cm, 40 pages
Legal deposit: May 2024
Isbn: 978-2-9603410-3-4

Copyright © Fondation Thalie, 2024

This publication is the second in the Fondation Thalie’s collection of exhibition booklets. It is offered on the occasion of Sara Ouhaddou‘s solo exhibition, Have a Seat, Take Some Tea , from 30 June to 28 September 2024.

Have a Seat, Take Some Tea brings together a group of recent works, some of them previously unseen, which bear witness to a protean artistic practice inspired by traditional crafts and cultures. The artist Sara Ouhaddou is the second guest in the Fondation Thalie Arles summer programme.