Jeanne Vicerial — Exhibit booklet

Publisher: Fondation Thalie
Texts: Nathalie Guiot

Published at 500 copies
Format: 21 x 15 cm, 40 pages
Legal deposit: September 2024
Isbn: 978-2-9603410-0-3

Copyright © Fondation Thalie, 2024

This publication takes part of the Fondation Thalie’s collection of exhibition booklets. It is published on the occasion of Jenne Vicerial & Leslie Moquin’s exhibition, Persephone, from 3 July to 16 September 2023.

The exhibition unveils, in an unprecedented way, Leslie Moquin’s photographs documenting the clothing compositions that Jeanne Vicerial produced during confinement while a resident of the Académie de France in Rome-Villa Medici (2019-2020).In tandem, the exhibition showcases several clothing sculptures from the series of “Open Venuses”. Made with flowers from the gardens of the Villa Medici, they are a reinterpretation of Clemente Susini’s Venerina, an emblematic piece in the history of anatomical representation.