Eva Jospin — Exhibit booklet

Publisher: Fondation Thalie
Texts: Nathalie Guiot

Published at 500 copies
Format: 21 x 15 cm, 40 pages
Legal deposit: September 2024
Isbn: 978-2-9603410-0-3

Copyright © Fondation Thalie, 2024

This publication takes part in the Fondation Thalie’s collection of exhibition booklets, which is initiated on the occasion of Eva Jospin’s solo exhibition, Panorama, from 15 April to 23 September 2023.

The exhibition Panorama invites viewers to take a poetic stroll through the artist’s sculptural work: call to daydream with philosophic accents of Jean-Jacques Rousseau between fragments of landscapes and fantastical architectural elements. In the artist’s adept hands, works of man and nature come together, like the Balcony from which the carefully crafted ironworks are adorned with finely cut lianas to the Grotto of cardboard that jointly summons the imaginary of the architectural folie and 18th-century landscaped gardens.